Tag Archives: population reduction



A poem in protest of the ongoing worldwide population reduction agenda of the ruling global fascist elite kleptocracy…

by IronBoltBruce


I thought it was all about money
And the power that it buys;
But it’s about a depleted planet
And with what who survives.

It’s simple mathematics,
Dividing what by who;
They can’t make more resources,
But they can make less of you.

Forget the genocide of Third World
Warlords, U.S. trained;
It’s nothing next to body counts
For corporations’ gain.

Depopulation: Fighting unjust wars
Where suicide
Takes more of best and bravest than
Those lost to other side.


Depopulation: Firing drones
Puts innocents at risk,
And from those terrorized will come
Next wave of terrorists.

Depopulation: Fracking earth
With biocides that spoil
The water in our aquifers:
High price for gas and oil.

Depopulation: Filling air
With carcinogens that kill;
Those who survive to sterilize
By design, against their will.

Depopulation: Flooding seas
With wastes they can’t degrade;
Toxins poison source of life
‘Til life no more is made.


Depopulation: Financing
Both sides of “War on Drugs”;
With CIA as pusher man
And DEA-armed thugs.

Depopulation: Feigning
Homosexual approbation;
Stealthfully engendering
Voluntary sterilization.

Depopulation: Fattening up
The tech-sedated masses
With GMO: Accelerating
Aging as it passes.

Depopulation: Fragmenting
Have-Nots to Left and Right;
Against elite assassins
Never able to unite…


Original posting: http://wp.me/p19dS3-kK
Republication with attribution permitted


IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( http://veritasvirtualvengeance.com | http://twitter.com/vvvpr )

Related Image: https://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/depopulation.gif

Related Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9keh6i11luU

WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW: http://www.wepay.com/donate/ironboltbruce

Tag: #depopulation, #poem, #poems, #poetry, #population, #populationreduction, #populationcontrol, #eugenics, #genocide, #war, #militarysuicide, #drones, #fracking, #pollution, #drugs, #sterlization, #gmo, #obesity, #amerika, #sheeple, #fascism, #fascists, #kleptocracy, #anonymous, #ows, #protest, #rebelllion, #revolution

Key: depopulation, poem, poems, poetry, population, population reduction, population control, eugenics, genocide, war, military suicide, drones, fracking, air pollution, water pollution, fracking, drugs, sterilization, gmo, obesity, amerika, sheeple, fascism, fascists, kleptocracy, anonymous, ows, protest, rebellion, revolution